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  • kyeid2

vlush Delivers An Electric Single Off Of His Forthcoming Project

vlush is an artist out of Minnesota, who I fully believe should have a much larger following. His sound, while extremely professional sounding, is extremely unique, and heightened because he is able to compound multiple elements of several different generes to make an ultimately alternative pop sound that is undeniably attractive to the ear.

His newest single, "CHICAGO" is a beautifully crafted and sonically pleasing track with an extremely bright & vibrant isntrumental. vlush's voice is incredible, and when he sings the hook "In downtown Chicago, making little exchanges..." it resonates through the listeners soul. His production is always S-Tier and compliments his vocal style perfectly. He is a very crafty vocalist and writer, playing with different harmonies and lyrics throughout the song to keep it extremely dynamic but making sure that the base of the song continues to deliver the flavor that kept that listener hooked from jump.

vlush is primed to have a fantastic year, already dropping some incredible music. Since I heard about him in 2019, I have truly believed that his sound would break into the mainstream, and I think this year could be the year. Do yourself a favor and check vlush's work out!



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