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  • kyeid2

UMI paints a beautiful picture with "Sorry"

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

UMI has on of the purest voices that I've heard in a long time. Each note sounds to be sung with passion and vulnerability. Their strong voice is very reminiscent of vintage R&B artists, and it is perfect for the type of music that they make.

"Sorry" sounds like a note-to-self from UMI, speaking of their wants and needs in life, illustrating their desires to the audience. It is an account of what they feel like they've done wrong, to themselves and to others. It is ultimately a personal apology and forgiveness for not being the best version of themself, but a promise to get better.

UMI is a stellar artist with a stellar catalogue, please don't short yourself by listening to just this track. Do yourself a favor and check out the rest of their discography.



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