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  • barelyeverythingmg

Sarah Hemi Has Everyone in Their Feels On 'Call Me'

Introduced at the beginning of 2022, Sarah Hemi's 'Call Me' has been the perfect soundtrack for any sad and lonely night throughout the year. And while this artist is no stranger to raw, vulnerable songwriting, this song seemed to really tug on the heartstrings of anyone who heard it.

A ballad type track infused with melancholic strings and a reverbed grand piano, 'Call Me' feels like it's being performed in an empty ballroom after the party has died down and everyone has gone home. Sarah Hemi taps into such a personal part of her heart, detailing the honest emotions that come with a hurting relationship. Take that intimate songwriting and pair it with her soothing, angelic voice, and you get the masterpiece that this song is.

If you're ever feeling hurt or missing someone, I have a feeling this song will provide some comfort. It's honest, calming, and sure to be stuck in your head for weeks.

I hear from insider sources that Sarah has a lot of cool things in the works for 2023, and I can't wait to see all she accomplishes. Give this one a listen in our playlist linked below!



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