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  • kyeid2

Gaff & Alex Gough Drop High Energy Single With "Feeling"

As summer winds down, I feel like there's still some time to fit some of these high energy summer tracks into your rotation. If you're looking for one, Gaff & Alex Gough just released an instant playlist add with "Feeling." The ecltic single incorporates elements of pop and rap and makes sure that the vibes are super high and easy to listen to.

One thing that I feel has kind of been lost in music is having a song where the 2 artists genuinely compliment each other and it not being just a collaboration because of the advantages of working with the other artists. The two artists on this song's energy matched each other perfectly and continued to heighten to listen experience until the very last second. The hook is ultra-catchy, and the lyrics are telling of emotion. The instrumental is super powerful and is the first thing that stood out to me about this track. All in all, a really fun listen.

Gaff & Alx Gough killed this. I am definitely looking forward to more collaboration between the 2. This track sits a constant high point and is the perfect song to ride out with some homies and blast over the speakers. Definitely check this out and throw it on your end of summer playlist!



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